Strain Imaging or Elastography means imaging of the elastic properties of tissue
using conventional, diagnostic ultrasound. Strain imaging can be used to detect hard tumors
which often can not be seen in the conventional ultrasound image.
For the worldwide first real time implementation of strain imaging -
which allows strain imaging in a clinical setting - Lorenz & Pesavento IT win the 2nd award of the
Innovationspreis Ruhrgebiet
in November 2000.
In Vivo Real Time Results
Some of the following in vivo results were recorded in collaboration with
Prof. Senge des Marienhospitals/Herne (Universitätsklinik);
Dr. Martin Scholz vom Knappschaftskrankenhaus/Bochum (Universitätsklinik);
Dr. Frauscher von der Uroradiology, Department of Radiology II/University Hospital Innsbruck;
Dr. Bonatz, Augustakrankenanstalten/Bochum.